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Tag! I'm it and perhaps YOU too!

I've been tagged by the very funky Funbi of Dat Funky Fro, let the sharing begin!

Why do you write?
I write (and post photos!) because it's a fun way to express myself and hold onto memories. I love going back in time to see how I thought, dressed, even styled my hair. I also write because I wanted a little hub for the gals who like to mix vintage with natural hair and I didn't see a little hub for it so I figured I'd create it myself. It's been very fun!

Share your three pearls of wisdom
1. You're always the source to your own happiness (or unhappiness), ask yourself in any given situation if you're happy at that particular moment. If the answer is no, do what you need to do to be able to say "yes"!

2. Carry red lipstick and liner, you never know when you may need to spruce up your face a bit and this is one of the fastest ways to do so!

3. Volunteer at some point in time during your life. Someone helped you out at one time or another and even if you can claim that no one ever helped you out, it'll still feel good. Each one, teach one!

Tag 5 other bloggers!!
I'm tagging XXblackbeautyXX, Pop-O-Matic Deluxe, Nicole is the New Black, Onyx Rose, and The Naturalista Files

You're suppose to do the same things gals, share why you write, share 3 pearls of wisdom and tag 5 others. :) ok go!

~The Retro Natural


Anonymous said...

THank you for making this unique blog because I've been loving your posts so far! Great pearly of wisdom! I've learnt the second one the hard way and I'm still working on the last one ;)
Stay blessed sis!


mysskay said...

Hi Autumn! I read your feature over on salonnaturelles.blogspot.com. I wanted to know where you learned so much about natural cleaners etc. (like using orange peel and tea tree oil). I'd love to learn more too. Thanks so much!

The Retro Natural said...

A Funbi, thanks! I'm working on the last one myself, I've fallen off my volunteer wagon and gotta get back on..but it's never too late! :)

@ Mssskay, Cool! thanks for commenting! I've done many a Google searches for natural cleaners and how to make your own from veggie scraps, there's tons of info out there lol I still Google searches for green related things on a daily basis though :) keeps me on my toes! After that it's trial and error. If you wanna get info from some cool green living folks, subscribe to http://savvybrown.com/ for tips on green living in general, her blogs is awesome!

Anonymous said...

I'm super late on this, but I am going to answer now, that I have a spare moment!

go over to my blog in a about an hour or so, and you will see a reply to the tag!
